I loved the Mewassin Trail and met a lot of people. Ma could take me running along the South Saskatchewan River, where the trail is on both sides and covers over 80+ kilometres.
Fish weir
the dog park was big but I love swimming!
Ma was excited to go to a pilates class. Said she needed to stretch? I do downward dog almost everytime I get up. No class required.
Ma really enjoyed the class and said the studio, the equipment, and the teacher Janelle were all great!
Dean & Shelley played with Ma
We camped right next to Holiday Park Golf Course. I found 2 golfs balls in our camp site for Ma. She played with one the next day and still has it. She thought that was really good.
I was waiting patiently in MAWD until they drove the carts over and Dean passed the clubs up to Ma, who was already on the roof. Thanks Dean!
Ma went to the Remai Gallery
Thursday is pop up rooftop wine bar
Shared a glass and some stories with locals, Kim & Diana
Many of the trees on the city walkways have these beautiful decorative plates. Each one different. They're the Bees Knees.
Statue Garden at U of S
Thunder storm brewing
If it didn t get to be - 45° here in the winter guess who said she'd be runnin' back to Saskatoon
That is a whole lot of flat. No land marks. Thank goodness for Chessa‘s noise and luv of MAWD 😜